Monday 30 April 2012

Ceremonial wastages

The amount of food wasted and thrown away in ceremonial halls like Ishaan, Kunjalata  and the like is growing after every party. When asked about the quantity of food thrown away, Raju a worker in the Kunjalata Marriage Hall said, “It is on the rise. There is no measure for it. The Babus are rich, they throw lavish parties. At times we have to starve because of our work load. After every occasion, huge quantities of food are thrown. We cannot do any thing about it”. An underfed rickshaw puller, Bipul Das says, “Whatever I take home, it is not enough for my wife and childrens. We do not get two square basic  meals for survival but they just throw such luxuries.”
Irony of the society is that those who need most, do not get it and suffer from malnutrition but those who do not exert manually, afford and over-eat. Result is same for both the Haves and the Have-nots i.e, ill-health. Secret of their mutual sound health  lies in sharing the surplus to thepoor by the rich .

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