Monday 30 April 2012

Resurgence of an insurgent outfit in Southern Assam

                                                  The BRU’s of South Hailakandi hogs the limelight.

Unlike the rest of Assam, the three districts of southern Assam has so far remained aloof from the scourge of militancy. But things of late has changed and changed for worse. A lesser known outfit which surrendered was back in 2008 regrouped itself under the name and style of ‘UDLA (United Democratic Liberation Army)’ making life miserable for the people of ‘island of peace’. Team Impression has unveiled an ‘exclusive story’ risking their lives along the rugged and inhospitable terrain in Southern Hailakandi.

The recent kidnapping of train driver Tarun Kumar Bhattacharjee is still afresh in the minds of the people. It is no surprise that a lesser known militant group under the name and style of UDLA- has claimed responsibility behind the kidnapping. 

Violence ,kidnapping extortion etc are not something new in the Bru occupied areas of South Hailakandi .It’s all happening to no place other than the famous state politician, Sri Gautam Roy’s constituency .It reflect nothing but political mismanagement and neglect.

                                                  United Liberation Front of Barak Valley (ULFBV) emerged out of the Bru people which surrendered with 350 Armed cadre  during the year 2007 under the leadership of Pancharam Riang . Their unconditional surrender under the C.M, Tarun Gogoi was assured  by fulfilling some of their demands. When asked, Pancharam Riang revealed the charter of demands projected by the group to the State Govt. as under :-  

 (1)Introduction of all Rural Developmental Programmes in tribal inhabited villages.

 (2)Schools /Education: Setting up of schools and recruitment of  tribal youths as teachers as per qualification as non tribal teachers are reluctant to work in remote tribal villages – 3 High Schools, 15 M.E Schools and 30 L.P Schools are to be set up.

 (3) Road Communication :Total four feeder roads to connect all tribal villages.

 (4) Provision of basic health care facilities through National Rural Health Mission .

 (5)Reservation in local self –governance.

Once considered  god- father,Pancharam Riang ,today he is the most hated person in the community,  because, he trusted the govt. but  the govt. did not keep up its promise .Finding no response from the govt., frustrated community once again formed a new extremist group during the recent past and named it as UDLA (United Democratic Liberation Army )  under its undeclared head Dhynaram Riang and self-styled commander-in-chief Nandiram Riang .                                                                    With lot of  risk  our reporters reached to the UG hideout (name of the place is kept secret). After the whole day expedition through the inhospitable terrain.Interview with Nandiram Riang who revealed that the Railway Driver, Bhattacharjee will be left only if their demand for Rs 50 lacks is fulfilled. They will not surrender till their demand is fulfilled by the Govt. He was reluctant to reveal any further information about the strength and weapons of the group and cautioned us not to take any photographs.Interview of the CRPF Cdr , AC Santosh Kumar who is carrying out combing operation to rescue the train driver declared optimistic outcome in a short span of time .  
   When we reached to another Bru village in Kalapahar Hill Ranges, all men and women welcomed us and narrated their owe-inspiring tale of betrayal and challenge to their very survival .Their history and problems can be summed up as under :-
                                         In  three districts of Barak Valley there are about 40,000 population of about 5000 families residing  in 80 villages .Their main concentration is on the Southern part of Hailakandi  distirict.                     
The village head man Shanku Ram Riang feels that there is no one who has really tried to understand the seriousness of the Bru problems nor any one genuinely tried to solve their problems .He requested our correspondent to  spread his message  about the problem of his community  to the rest  of the world. According to him :-
“The plight of Bru community in Mizoram and Assam can be compared with the massacre of Bengali Hindus in earstwhile East Pakisthan prior to 1971 war and  genocide of Jews under Hitlarite despot during WW-II.
                                                   Political leaders like Sri Gautam Roy is hell-bent to punish the community due to our non-affiliation with the Congress party .On the name of UG’s, innocent Bru civilans were regularly tortured by the police and CRPF. Even our women folks are also not spared.
The picture is still more gloomy in Mizoram where due to the awakenning  of Mizo National spirit, minority Bru’s had to face the Mizo onslaught. Thousands of Bru’s were massacred in Mizoram and rest fleed for their life.
            In our struggle for mere existence ,Bru’s today are the most helpless people. About 99.9 percent Bru’s are illiterate, residing in difficult terrain, devoid of basic health care and amenities of life”

Bru’s are a semi- nomadic tribe. Jhoom cultivation is their primary occupation .Such an occupation demands  shifting of place every year to find a new pasture. Bru’s were happy with their  occupation until the jungles have been encroached upon by the increased number of peoples from the plains which virtually made them landless .
Inspite of so much inhuman treatment given to the Bru’s ,still if you pay a visit to a their house you will  be amazed with  their hospitality .They still treat their guests as gods. They offer food ,while themselves starve . They offer bed , while themselves sleep on the floor .
                                             Who will help them to cope up with their problem of existence ?Who will help to preserve the endangered culture of the Bru people ? Today the Bru people appeal to all govt. Org. , NGOs and international org to help them  in their  struggle for survival .’

 “Extremist” problem is the product of a dissatisfied society and hence it can’t be wiped out nip in the bud unless and until the basic social problems of the Bru’s are resolved. It is high time that the Govt. must give due importance to the Bru problem so that peace and tranquility is maintained.


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