Monday 30 April 2012

Traffic problem in Silchar town

Silchar town is characterized by narrow, broken roads with stagnant water. Today no.of vehicles plying in the roads has increased by manyfold. This is attributable to some factors like readily available vehicles at a cheaper rate, increased affordability & easy financing etc. About three decades ago, bi-cycle was a luxury, than it was motor-cycle but now, even a car is no more a luxury but a necessity for the middle class people.
But the road condition remain same as it was in the bicycle days. Specially the roads of Silchar are not at all geared up to take the load of such an increased traffic. Just count the no of vehicles ply in the way of Rangirkhari during peak hours of the day, it is approximately estimated that 75 x four wheelers, 200 x two wheelers & 100 x three wheelers per minute. For poorly maintained narrow roads of Silchar such a massive traffic is beyond the control of small detachment of traffic police deployed for the purpose.  Rickshaw & Thela pullers being slow moving are the major cause for jamming the roads. It must soon need to be replaced by town buses. In Silchar town there is no traffic rule. Motor cyclist drives without helmet and overtake from wrong sides. On an average, every third day there is a fatal motor cycle accident. Auto drivers take pride to overtake from wrong sides. Footpath is ladened with petty shops. Silchar court is over burdened with motor vehicle accident cases, which is much higher than any other town of Assam. Unless an early & drastic  step is taken by the Govt , Silchar will be a difficult place for all of us to live in.

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